

Psychiatrist in Tel Aviv

Professor Leon Grunhaus, MD (https://www.grunhaus.co.il) was born in Maracaibo, Venezuela, in 1948. He studied medicine in Maracaibo, after which he made Aliyah in 1970. In Israel, and later in the USA, he specialized in the field of psychiatry.

During his extensive career in both clinical practice and in the academic world, Professor Grunhaus directed several psychiatric departments including the Psychiatry Division at the Sheba Medical Center as well as the Depression Unit in the University of Michigan. Furthermore, he was the Director of the Jerusalem Mental Health Center which included both the Kfar Shaul and Eitanim hospitals.

Professor Grunhaus has published more than 150 research papers in highly reputed medical journals in the fields of psychiatry and neurobiology. He has received academic appointments at the University of Michigan (USA), Tel Aviv University, and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Professor Grunhaus retired from the Hebrew University and is currently a Professor Emeritus.

Professor Grunhaus is recognized as an International figure in Psychiatry- particularly in the fields of depression, manic-depression, anxiety, and psychosis. He is an expert in the fields of psychopharmacology and non-invasive brain stimulation, as well as in the fields of ECT and TMS, having been a primary figure in the adaptation of these techniques in Israel.

Professor Grunhaus is the founder and director of Mind Clinic – The Center for Advanced Treatments in Tel Aviv, in which he integrates advanced psychiatric care with modern psychotherapies. In his approach, he combines the highest professional standards with a deep understanding of patient psychology. Professor Grunhaus believes in designing personalized treatment programs that meet the individual needs of the patients.

Professor Grunhaus is fluent in Hebrew, Spanish and English.

The main highlights of his professional career are:

  1. Graduation from Medical School in Maracaibo, Venezuela.
  2. Psychiatric specialization at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, Israel.
  3. Research Fellow in Mood Disorders, University of Michigan, USA
  4. Director of the Depression Unit, University of Michigan, USA
  5. Assistant Professor and Associate Professor with Tenure, University of Michigan, USA
  6. Director of the Psychiatry Department C, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.
  7. Director of the Division of Psychiatry, Sheba Medical Center, Israel.
  8. Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Tel Aviv University, Israel
  9. Director of the Jerusalem Mental Health Center (Eitanim and Kfar Shaul hospitals), Jerusalem, Israel.
  10. Full Professor of Psychiatry, Hadassah Medical School, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
  11. Professor Emeritus Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
  12. Founder and Director of Mind Clinic-The Center for Advanced Treatments in Tel Aviv

כותב המאמר:
פרופסור אמריטוס לאון גרינהאוס מהפקולטה לרפואה של האוניברסיטה העברית, פרופסור חבר מאוניברסיטת תל אביב ומאוניברסיטת מישיגן שבארה"ב. מייסד "מיינד קליניק", פסיכיאטר מטפל וחוקר מזה 4 עשורים בתחום הניורוביולוגיה של הדיכאון והחרדה. לאורך הקריירה, פרסם מעל 150 מאמרים מדעיים והדריך דורות רבים של מתמחים, אשר השתלבו במערכת הרפואית במדינת ישראל. מייסד התוכנית לטיפול בנזעי חשמל ECT באוניברסיטת מישיגן בארה"ב ונחשב כמומחה מספר 1 בתחום. בארץ פרופסור גרינהאוס מחלוצי הטיפול בגרייה מגנטית TMS וטיפול בקטמין. כיהן בתפקידים ניהוליים, מנהל המערך הפסיכיאטרי של בית חולים תל השומר, מנהל המרכז הירושלמי לבריאות הנפש, בתי חולים כפר שאול ואיתנים ויו"ר האיגוד לפסיכיאטריה ביולוגית.

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